Hello Adventurers! Here are the details for our January GM Event! 1. Pop The Balloons Event
[Duration] - December 31th 07:00 ~ January 2nd 06:59 (in-game time, UTC-8) [Details] - Characters that pop New Santa's Balloons (any colors) has a chance to win the rewards as mentioned below. - You may obtain New Santa's Balloons from Christmas Gift Boxes. - The rewards will be provided to the winning characters’ inventory during the maintenance on January 14th. - Only one character per account will be selected to receive the event reward.
2. GM Buffs & Bell of Guide Event
[Duration] - January 3rd 18:00 ~ 19:00 (in-game time, UTC-8) - January 10th 18:00 ~ 19:00 (in-game time, UTC-8) [Details] - Players can receive GM buffs at the central fountain in ‘High Brunenstig’ during event period. We will be handing out the buffs ourselves! - Players can also receive the benefits of “Bell of Guide” provided by the GMs during the event period. Thank you! Best regards, Red Stone Online.