hello, just would like talk about this issue. Anyways now you cannot make account on redstone-online.com or steam page so I have a few backup steam accounts that you can use temporarily until GM's fix it. Just would need download steam client located below:
join our discord first and tell me your name than I will send you redstone steam account details... also feel free join our other discords for redsotne if you want...
angelus: https://discord.gg/Q9utQ75 prii/bomi/chriss https://discord.gg/xdhV6DF
why Rs as a trojan? or is marked as one? thank you
hello, just thought would mention... here is a youtube video.
enjoy, last time to register for closed beta is july 10th 2018 :).
beta register here: https://redstone2.ludic.games/
to install game use this link (must be on android phone though, or one with internet connection): https://redstone2.ludic.games/beta.php#gpcbt
Just wanted to make sure that Jeremy was aware of the guild storage bug. Hoping to see an announcement when its fixed. Rather not touch it till i know its safe. ^_^
I'm doing the first rebirth quest - I completed the requirements of the quest, however, I keep getting that message every time I try to end the quest. I only have one prem item atm.
I need some help figuring out why I cant complete the quest.
hello, this will be the topic to discuss my advertising campaign I also plan do other things to like marketing campaign, f2p campaign, p2w campaign, w2w campaign.
Hi there I'd like to play Redstone in Windows10 but can't install this. The launcher stops in the middle and says that "Don't create follow folder data\scenario\red stone\map\". Check an image attached. Anybody has an answer for this problem please? Thank you.
Hello there.. I was playing RedStone about 7 years ago before I stopped and never picked it up since.. Times change and I would like to start playing again. Is there any way I could get my old account/s back ? if anyone remembers tomoav? I forgot my other two accounts becaouse of memory loss , but I do know my emails and passwords.. any chance of me coming back ? :)
Hi. I would like to know to what percent is the max of magic item drop ratio one can have. I have heard max 255%. Thx!
hello, I cannot respond your post because you leave checkbox out, if your in korea or japan think can only play on steam client located here:
If try install client here is ip blocked for korea/japan ip address.
Can subimt inquiry and GM will respond to you by email or contact them on facebook fanpage: https://www.facebook.com/LnKREDSTONE/
I want to start the game on this server
But when I try to start, I get an error.
'this is a restricred area'
Please tell me how to solve it.
will wait for the reply
hello, I made a video just show process, if some dont want use facebook to contact GM.
link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GFxKNH5jDD0
otherwise can contact GM from here with facebook account: https://www.facebook.com/LnKREDSTONE/
hope it helps some.
I downloaded game last night and it worked. Game started without problem. But today whenever I launch it it will shut itself off. I uninstalled the game and installed it again and the problem is still there.
Does anyone has the link to another download that doesn't have this problem?
I use Window 10 pro. Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3330S CPU @ 2.70GHz 2.70 GHz RAM: 8 GB System type: 64-bit
it seems the maximum resolution of the current game is 1024. But my computer screen is larger than 1024. so is there any way I can play it in full screen mode? Did I do something wrong during installation?
just thought would let you know. feel check out and get involved in there if you want.