Unlike the other notorious pirates who plunder the citizens of port town Strasserad, Bridgehead, 25th character "Captain" is the leader of the pirate who just freely sails over the sea and challenges the adversity and hardship for the reputation.
Captain Swing the huge anchor by using force from the strong and tall body that is well trained from sailing the sea breeze. This imprints a nightmare to the enemy, but becomes an object of envy among the sailors in the harbor.
※Captain Transcendence will be updated on the first half of the 2023
[Major Update]
1. Elite Suppression
Fairy Dragon Tabiakut who has been protecting the Yatikanu forest since ancient time was awakened from a long period of sleep due to the Aridne suppression. With a suspicious being that causes unexpected changes in the Yatikanu area, it becomes even more powerful and the greatest threat of all.
"Elite Suppression" is the highest grade PvE content that adventurers have to defeat and it is one of the most powerful boss that you have ever experienced before. As it is a very difficult challenge, adventurers can receive a rare reward after completion and we are expecting it would become the standard for high-level players that could test players' ability.
※ New Yatikanu Field, Elite Suppression contents require Yatikanu Camp level 3
2. Maximum Level Expansion and New Yatikanu Field Added/Improvement
The maximum level expanded from 1500 to 2000 LV. with these changes, we have added 3 new Yatikanu fields and improved the item drop table of the Yatikanu field to make ease your growth to catch up with the expended contents.
3. Set Prefix
[Set Prefix] is a whole new system of prefixes. Unlike the previously existing prefix system, [Set Prefix] is developed and aimed for future content to create diversity and possibilities.
It is applied in the same way as the existing prefix, but the effect is activated when equipped as a set. Up to 3 sets of effects can be activated by equipping and maximum up to 9 prefixes. The utilities are separated from the existing prefixes so that they do not harm each other's values.
4. New ULT and UDX equipment added
With the maximum level expansion, we have added 1000 ULT specialized armor, 1100 UDX weapons, and 1100 UDX armors.
5. Adjusted Ether Machina EXP Boost
We have implemented the [Ether Machina] system that can boost hunting exp by 3000% by clearing Dimension hub to support adventurers' growth. With a maximum level, of contents expansion, we have adjusted [Ether Machine] amplification to 9000% to ease global server adventurers' growth to the Yatikanu entrance level.
[Other Improvements]
For the adventurer's comforts gameplay, we have improved Store UI, increase the Magic Stone Crest stacks, and Nephon Creature lock function added, and changed some NPC modeling
We have checked all the big, important contents that would be updated, we will try our best to bring more update content and a variety of events to satisfy the adventurers.
Thank you.
Best Regards,
Red Stone Online