News News




      [Event]Week 1 World Event Clear Count

      Hello Adventurers! 


      We have brought the World Event week 1 Clear Count for each faction! 

      Please check below for more details.



      - 2020/06/29 After Maintenance ~ 2020/07/29 Before Maintenance


      [How to Participate]

      - Players can participate in the event by completing the weekly repeatable Main Quest 1 “1. Completion of a New Red Stone “.

      - Each faction’s rank will be decided according to the accumulated number of the quest cleared for the faction within event duration.

      - The event reward will be provided to the participants according to the rank of each faction, as mentioned below.


      ※ We will be notifying the number of quests clears for each faction after maintenance every week.


      [Event reward for each Red Stone Factions] 

      [Week 1 Clear Count]

      Please be advised, thank you.


      Best regards,

      Red Stone Online