News News




      [Event]April Spring Blossom Event
      Hello, Adventurers!

      We are happy to announce our Spring Blossom Event!

      1. Attendance check event

      2020/04/08 After Maintenance ~ 2020/05/06 Before Maintenance

      - Players can receive Attendance Check reward when accessing the game.

      Attendance Check Details

      2. Adventurer's Message

      2020/04/08 After Maintenance ~ 2020/05/06 Before Maintenance

      - Go to Kuger NPC in High Brunenstig (98.116) and receive [Adventurer's Message] item and [Adventurer Journal] item.
      - You can upgrade with [Adventurer's Message] and [adventurer’s journal] items only up to 10 levels
      - You can obtain 1 page of [Adventurer Journal] once every 30 minutes while you online. (Maximum 5 pages are available)
      - When you enforce [Adventurer's Message] with [Adventurer Journal] the number of pages will decrease
      - When having [Adventurer's Message] you can receive up to maximum 150% of additional experience (applicable only to hunting experience)
      - There’s a high probability of failure when enforcing [Adventurer's Message]
      - When enforcing [Adventurer's Message] fails the level will not increase

      3. Treasure hunt

      2020/04/08 After Maintenance ~ 2020/05/06 Before Maintenance

      - Hunting monsters of ±100 of your level will drop 4 random treasure boxes
      - The treasure boxes are: Soot Box, Red Smoke Box, Blaze Box, Fire Box
      - To open a treasure box you need to buy a [Phoenix Feather Key] from Kuger NPC (98.116)

      3)Treasure box components

      *You can obtain better rewards by opening the treasure box with Phoenix Key that was newly released in our Point Store

      4. Coin Drop Event

      2020/04/08 After Maintenance ~ 2020/05/06 Before Maintenance

      There’s a chance that Adventurer Coin might drop when hunting monsters of ±100 of your level

      Please be advised, thank you.

      Best regards,
      Red Stone Online